"The following is my personal opinion. People don't listen to Bubba the Love Sponge because they want to have warm & fuzzy feelings. They do not listen to the show so they can hear again for the 1000 time what EVERYONE else in the media has already said. I would hope listeners follow because they WANT to hear what others are afraid to say. Our country's media outlets are so sensationalized to garner ratings I fear we rarely get the raw TRUE un-biased factual events of a situation. Think about it...the camera is from someone else's view, words can be taken out of context, the reporter can skew the event with his/her own opinion or intrepretation.
As a whole, I think Americans have become all too comfortable relying on someone or something else for assistance. Whether it be welfare, healthcare, schools, or government agencies many of us have become both ignorant and ambivilant to our choices. So what happens when "we" don't have an opinion? SOMEONE ELSE MAKES THE CHOICE FOR US and then, we are forced to accept the end product.
I was lucky enough to be raised by very patriotic parents who taught me to question authority. They made me search for the answers to questions myself & reminded me to never completely rely on one source. I was taught to be grateful for the men and women who had sacrificed their lives so that I can do or be anything I could imagine. My parents taught me that our country was founded so that we could be individuals and still live in harmony with diversity.
I love my husband and I love our country. I am proud that he has the courage to speak his opinion. Most of all, I am proud that we ALL have the freedom to do so...even if there are consequences."
Wed at 3:44pm
Wed at 3:44pm
It's settled then. She's a worthless cunt just like Bubba. If Bubba wants to keep challnging people to put on the gloves, I will fucking lay his fat ass out.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess we shouldn't have taken that 854 Million that other countries sent us to help with Katrina?